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Gordon Research Conference — Applied and Environmental Microbiology

14th July 2019 - 19th July 2019
Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, MA, United States


As one of the longest running of all Gordon Research Conferences, Applied and Environmental Microbiology (AEM) continues to provide a unique forum for discussing new approaches, technologies, and insights that advance our understanding and increase our appreciation of the oldest life forms on Earth. The 2019 Conference will address one of the most urgent questions in microbiology: How can we employ what we have learned from the co-evolution of Earth with microbial life to address current challenges of the Anthropocene? Microbiomes impact nearly all (eco)systems on Earth. They govern the health and fitness of macrobes, including us, by forming "superorganisms". It is only through an improved understanding of this co-evolution, the languages that govern the interactions, as well as community dynamics that we will be able to predict and control microbiomes for important environmental and human outcomes. As with previous AEM Conferences, 2019 will provide an open forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest research findings on the ecology and industrial applications of microorganisms in a broad spectrum of natural, industrial, and clinical environments. Together we will address scales ranging from the single cell to highly complex (eco)systems and embracing a diverse range of research areas, including synthetic biology, ecophysiology, postgenomic technologies, and touch upon philosophical aspects and theories for microbial ecology. Topics for each session are intentionally broad to attract scientists with a diversity of experiences, ages, approaches, and philosophies. Together we will explore the inner workings of the Earth-s microverse in space and time. For a third time in succession, the GRC-AEM is happy to align with a Gordon Research Seminar (GRS). GRS-AEM 2019 will address the mechanisms and applications of microbial languages. Microbes commonly use small molecules or metabolites to coordinate behaviors and metabolisms, assemble into simple or complex communities, or mount a defense from intruders both in natural and built environments, or in human and non-human hosts. Designed for early career scientists, a mentoring session with established and renowned scientists will provide the ideal forum for exchanging knowledge, approaches, and information across disciplines and generations.

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